Action Fanfiction Mystery Kindergarten New Kid Nugget Theodore Ted Teddy Cindy Ozzy Jerome Monty Felix Buggs Carla. Harry Potter - Hogwarts Four Houses II (Characters) : Harry Potter Quiz Fun Games, Fanfiction & Movie Trivia. ly/3uolnOlRequest any FNF song you want me to FC in the comment below. Armed with knowledge about the future and full potential in Magic, Combat and Voice, the Nord kid will set out from Riften to find himself becoming a Hero way before the start of the game events. Larson, creator of the original Battlestar Galactica, has the feature film rights back and seeks to undo the fanfic-ification of his work by removing the sexy hot chick Cylons and News, email and search are just the beginning.

They are not a featured character on South Park, and are only shown in the games.